Beethoven and the Cello: Lee Jae Phang (left) and Lyubomira Stankova in Kuala Lumpur on March 3, 2024
By Foong Pek Yee
March 14, 2024
THE recital – Beethoven and the Cello : An epic musical journey – by concert pianist Lee Jae Phang and cellist Lyubomira Stankova is certainly more than beautiful music.
It saw Lee Jae and Lyu setting a new record in classical music for Malaysia!
“Complete cycles of Beethoven’s works are occasionally performed in Europe and the United States, but seldom presented in Asia.
“Our research shows that our project to perform all the cello and piano works(five sonatas AND three variations) has never been done in Malaysia,” says Lee Jae of their two-day recital on March 2 and 3 in Kuala Lumpur.
At Singapore’s Victoria Concert Hall last August, Lee Jae says Altenburg Arts presented cellist Yibai Chen and pianist Boyang Shi performing the complete works over two recitals as well.
Beethoven and the Cello – In Kuala Lumpur on March 2, 2024
Sonata No. 2 in G minor, Op. 5, No. 2 (25 mins)
Sonata No. 4 in C major, Op. 102, No. 1 (17 mins)
Sonata No. 3 in A major, Op. 69 (27 mins)
Beethoven and the Cello – In Kuala Lumpur on March 3, 2024
12 Variations on “See the conquering hero comes”, WoO 45 (13 mins)
Sonata No. 1 in F major, Op. 5, No. 1 (25 mins)
12 Variations on “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen”, Op. 66 (10 mins)
7 Variations on “Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen”, WoO 46 (10 mins)
Sonata No. 5 in D major, Op. 102, No. 2 (16 mins)

No ordinary recital: Lee Jae and Lyu performing in Kuala Lumpur on March 2, 2024.
Lee Jae points out that to play a complete cycle of any genre of Beethoven’s works (the piano sonatas or the string quartets for example) requires a performer to be simultaneously a master of their instrument and also a mature musician.
Beethoven seldom repeats himself musically, preferring instead to continuously push the boundaries of musical expression and possibility; each of the five cello sonatas are therefore individual creations with distinct musical characteristics.
This means that a performer who performs the entire cycle has to effectively and convincingly switch between musical characters on stage.
A performer who is less skilled and experienced will be less successful at communicating vividly the different characters and shades of meaning found within each of the pieces.
Lee Jae and Lyu also conducted masterclasses on March 3.

Young and talented : Lee Jae (far left) and Lyu (far right) with their students at the masterclasses on March 3, 2024.
Each of the four students performed their choice of works by Beethoven.
Lee Jae and Lyu gave them musical and technical feedback to help them improve in their playing.
A special element of the masterclasses was the opportunities that the students were given to play either with Lyu or with Lee Jae.

Important insights: Lyu with a student at the masterclasses.

Talented and confident : Lee Jae with a student at the masterclasses.
Apart from playing a movement from a piano sonata of their choice, the students also chose a section of a piano and cello work to play with Lyu.
This allows them to experience and learn the art of playing chamber music.
The cello students had the opportunity to play a cello and piano work, accompanied by Lee Jae.