Value for money : Makes Chinese New Year celebrations more joyous.
Jan 19, 2023
By Foong Pek Yee
One big bottle of nga ku chips is priced at RM35, and a small bottle at RM15.
The big bottle has at least three times the amount of that of the small bottle.
Roadside stall trader Loh See Hoi’s sales pitch certainly resonates with discerning shoppers these days.

Festive snacks: Varieties and value for money.
At 75, Loh is brimming with enthusiasm as he goes about serving customers at his roadside stall in Tanjung Tualang New Village, Perak recently.

Hardworking : Loh showing a laminated photo of him cooking his famous sambal sauce at home in Gopeng Perak.
His core business is homemade sauce and he has been in this business for over three decades.
He sells some snacks during festive seasons.
Loh says his stall opens on Saturday and Sunday – almost a 12 hour stretch starting about 9 am.
He says he chose to set up stall in Tanjung Tualang New Village some 30 years ago as the village -a haven for seafood dishes- draws many tourists over weekends and public holidays.
Tanjung Tualang is also known as Tiger Prawn Town.
On weekdays, Loh and his wife, in her 60s, are at home in Gopeng, Perak preparing their sauces.
“I have recipes for over 20 types of sauce,” he says, adding that he likes to experiment and come up with his own recipes.
A bottle of his popular sambal sauce is priced at RM10 .
While cost of doing business keeps going up, Loh says quality goods and competitive pricing help keep business afloat .