Simply remarkable : Twenty-nine piano students with their piano teacher Lee Jae Phang put on a concert on Sept 7, 2024 – reflecting the diversity of musical styles written for piano and the unique musical tastes and current abilities of each student.
Nathaniel Lim Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Traditional); Lee Jie Jun Minuet in C (Reinagle); Jamie Pua Old French Song(Tchaikovsky); Jiang Hanqin Arietta, Op.12 No 1 (Grieg); Leanne Lee Tarantella , Op. 77 n0. 6 (M0szkowski); Jaclynn Lai Finale: Tempo di minuet, from Sonata Hob XVI : 49 (Haydn); Johnson Guo Jackson Street Blues (Martha Mier); Ezra Chen Finale: Prestissimo, from Sonata Op. 10 No 1 (Beethoven); Kingston Koh Little Whale Explores the Calm Sea (Caroline Tyler) and Virginia Hall ( Shruthi Rajasekar); Teoh Shu Kheng Last Rose of Summer (Flotow); Kayleigh Cham ??:) (Traditional English); Tang Woan Torng Prelude in C Major, from Book 1 of “The 48” (J. S. Bach); Jacob Lin O for Ole (June Armstrong) Jiang Hanlin Hunting Song (Schumann); Jacob Yong Songs without Words, Op. 19 No 1 (Mendelssohn) ; Wong Jannelle Allegro in F (Handel); Joshua Chen Allegro, from Sonata, Op. 14 No. 2 (Beethoven); Lim Hui San Prelude for Left Hand, Op. 9 Scriabin); Anna Liew Gavotte (Telemann); Ian Fong Evening in the Village (Bartok); Brandon Thean Allegretto in C (Diabelli) and Virginia Hall (Shruti Rajasekar); Willian Poh In the Groove (Mike Cornick); Ashley Thean Fur Elise (Beethoven); Natalie Peh Modere, from Sonatien (Ravel);Natalie Peh and Teacher Lee Jae Allegro Molto, from Sonata for Piano, 4 hands, K. 381 (Mozart); Andrew Tah Gamelan, No. 1 from Java Suite (Godowsky); Chong Ray Shuen New Kid (Christopher Norton); Daniel Tan Rhapsody in G minor, Op. 79 No. 2 (Brahms); Yoshua Yong The Ultimate Price (Evan Call, arranged by Animenz); Paulson Loh Moderato Cantabile (Diabelli).
By Foong Pek Yee
Sept 12, 2024
Describing the event as ” A concert for the students and by the students”, Lee Jae says it is a celebration of their efforts, achievements and progress so far.
“It is a great learning experience for students because they sharpen their planning and preparation skills.
“With a deadline looming and a goal to reach , it becomes more critical that practice is done efficiently,” says Lee Jae at the opening of the concert in Yamaha Festival Hall, Yamaha Music Centre in Kelana Jaya, Selangor.
Also a concert pianist, Lee Jae says performing to a live audience also trains students to learn to overcome stage fright.
And to maximize the learning experience, each student gives a brief introduction of themselves and their chosen piece before playing.
The ability to connect with people via performance and public speaking is a communication style and asset that comes with learning and practice.
Photos: Courtesy of Lee Jae Phang.
Students play on the Yamaha S6 grand piano.
Learning the piano or learning music itself is a lifelong pursuit.
Regardless of where one is on one’s journey, Lee Jae says there is always something new to learn – develop a new skill, refine one which we have learnt, deepen our musical understanding, and discover new composers and their compositions.
“Each and every student performing today is a traveller on this long and beautiful musical journey.
“While we may not be taking the exact same road, we all are heading towards the same destination, and that destination is excellence in music.
“Hard work, commitment, honesty to oneself, perseverance and the love for music are part and parcel of the pursuit of excellence in music.”