Healing begins with a smile

CONNECTING with compassion and care enhances the healing process in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
By Foong Pek Yee
It is a Saturday afternoon at the  Goh Tiam Huat Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Centre .
While patients may be seated quietly  in the queue, the atmosphere is far from boring though.
TCM physician Goh Tiam Huat in between attending to his patients makes it a point to connect with those waiting for their turn.
Easy-going, his good sense of humor and infectious laugh is simply therapeutic.
And his happy demeanour lights up the atmosphere in the centre in Pekan Nanas in Pontian, Johor .
Goh is also a familiar figure in Pekan Nanas where he is active in community work.
While there are countless research and evidence on “laughter is the best medicine”, it is heartening to see Goh putting it into practice, elevating the mood of people around him.
The benefits from laughing and smiling include lowering the level of stress hormones, releasing  mood lifting hormones and boost a person’s immune system.
Goh, 38, who has  a  Masters in TCM from China’s Guangxi University points out that a  person’s emotions  determines  his or her state of health and well being to a huge extent.
And that health problems do not occur in isolation.
Citing examples, he says many cases are triggered by stress, lack of proper sleep, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, bad posture and accidents.
Goh draws my attention to the Chinese phrase with 12 words on the wall in his centre,  ” Patients enter the clinic in pain and walks out smiling ” and explains its significance in holistic treatment.
Well connected : The Goh Tiam Huat TCM  logo highlights the importance of  the spine for good health and well being.
Healing begins in the clinic and, winning the trust of his patients, giving them advice and having them to take responsibility for their own health  is part of  the healing process.
Growing up in Pekan Nanas New Village and from a humble background, Goh has come a long way.
Recognition : Goh won the Johor Youth Award ( Chinese Youth Activist )in 2018
Hall of fame:  Goh is all for  lifelong learning and community work and,  the certificates, photos and awards on display in the centre speak volumes.
He says his 82-year-old mother who has a good knowledge on Chinese herbs has a huge influence on him to take up TCM.
Goh says he started learning and practising TCM at the age of 16.
Developing his business and a firm believer in giving back to society at the same time,  Goh  sponsors activities and gives talks  in schools and active in community work in and around Pekan Nanas.
He was also the Pekan Nanas New Village chief (2015-2017).
Happy faces : Goh likes to interact with students in Pekan Nanas and does his level best to help them.
Goh and his 28-year-old wife Lim Yen Loo have two children.
Yen Loo who has a degree in International Business is also studying TCM with Goh as her mentor.
While majority of Goh’s patients are locals, he says his patient list also comprises people from Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Australia and  France.

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