A beautiful Spring on the way

Hope: Forward-looking is a strong characteristic of the Chinese.

Dec 22, 2022
By Foong Pek Yee
A person is a year older after eating the first bowl of “tang yuan”  (glutinous rice ball in sweet syrup in Chinese ) on Winter Solstice Festival (Dongzhi).
“Tang Yuan” which rhymes with reunion also makes the delicacy a must have for the festival.
Most of all, the delicacy is  affordable and palatable to the young and old alike as family members gather to celebrate.
Today (December 22, 2022) is the Winter Solstice Festival.
Auspicious:  CNY deco that focus on all things good.
With Chinese New Year  (CNY), also known as Spring Festival,  exactly a month away (on Jan 22, 2023), many traders are hopeful that Dongzhi shoppers are also in the mood for CNY shopping.
My turn: It is Year of the Rabbit starting Jan 22, 2023
Vibrant : Red for good luck and traders are hoping business will pick up as CNY draws near.
Upbeat: A trader livens up the festive mood with CNY songs.
At a wet market in Ipoh, traders are selling CNY deco and delicacies side by side with ready -to-eat  colourful “tang yuan”
One  CNY deco trader says business has yet to pick up, and that she has started selling the items two weeks ago.
She says people may be more cautious with their spending nowadays.
Nevertheless, she is upbeat that business will pick up as the celebration draws near.
Hope: Never too old to persevere.
She says many young people returning to their hometown to celebrate will do last minute shopping for their  family  elderly.
This coming year is Year of the Rabbit – a symbol of peace, energy and joy.
With the lovely  bunny hopping happily, the people are hoping for a good year for all.
Lively:  Plants and flowers are evergreen deco especially during CNY.

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